Returns Policy

We hope you are happy with your order, but if, for any reason you need to exchange or return an item to us, please notify us immediately by contacting us on 01423 526737 during open hours or by email at stating why you wish to return the goods. To be eligible for a refund in full, we must receive your return in the condition it was sent to you, in order to return to stock ‘as new’ condition for resale.

All we ask is that tell us within 14 days and return your items to us in perfect condition and with their original packaging. You must return your item within 28 days from which you bought them.

We may make a deduction from your refund for any loss in the value of the goods supplied, if the loss is the result of unnecessary handling by you (for example; torn, damaged boxes, removing tags or labels or returning goods loose or not in their original packaging, using or wearing the goods prior to cancellation). Do not damage, tape up or deface the original manufacturers box or packaging in any way.

We are unable to accept returns of some items, such as opened packs that are supplied in sealed packaging by the manufacturer due to personal hygiene or items that have been; custom-made bespoke to order.

All mattresses and pillows/cushions will be delivered sealed in clear plastic wrapping that will allow for inspection. All mattresses, mattress protectors, pillows, toilet seats, bathing aids and personal hygiene products inc. socks and hosiery that have been unsealed will be deemed as having been used and therefore cannot be returned for any reason and are not eligible for refund unless they are faulty or damaged.

If you are returning footwear, we can only accept unworn footwear. Therefore, to keep them in perfect condition, we strongly recommend you try them on indoors and on carpet first to make sure you are happy with them, before wearing them outside.

Please note, if you are returning footwear that we do not currently stock or we have ordered for you, we charge a £4.95 re-stocking charge as this is what we are charged by our suppliers. Please return the footwear in the condition you received it so we can re-sell it or return it to the manufacturer.

Items treated with an aftercare product and items reduced in Sale or on offer, will be deemed to have been accepted by you and will not be able to be cancelled or returned.

This does not affect your legal rights as a consumer if such goods are faulty or not as described.

If you are uncertain whether your item can be returned, please call us on 01423 526737 during our open hours found on our website.

You are responsible for the return postage costs, if you wish to return items. Please consider the cost of postage before posting as this may be greater than the value of the goods.

We strongly recommend that you use a tracked postal service, as proof of sending will be required in the event of items not been received by us, or for items lost in the post, whereas your claim will be with the carrier and not ourselves. We are unable to exchange or refund you (whether in part or full) without receiving your return first.

Please provide proof of purchase and return the goods unused, undamaged and in their original packaging with labels and tags attached, along with this completed returns form, to us within 14 calendar days of notifying us you wish to do so. All refunds will be issued within 14 calendar days from the date we receive the goods via the same method used to pay for goods, after we receive them.

Returns Address

Returns Dept
Rise Furniture and Mobility
34c Leeds Road

V3.0 December 2023